81. China Automobile Parts Fair

Szanowni Państwo,

81. chińskie targi części samochodowych odbędą się w dniach 21-23 kwietnia 2017 r. W Nanning w Chinach. Jesteśmy bardzo wdzięczni za długoterminowe wsparcie. Serdecznie zapraszamy do odwiedzenia tej wystawy, aby odwiedzić nasze stoisko D13204. Chiny Firma Lutong zawsze stosuje się do "Profesjonalnej, jakościowej, serwisowej i przynoszącej zyski współpracy". Serdecznie czekamy na Twoją wizytę.

China Lutong Parts Plant is a professional OEM & Aftermarket parts supplier, which specialized in diesel engine parts. Our main products include Control Valve, Injectors,common rail valve, Head rotor (VE Pump Parts), Plunger, Delivery Valve, Cam Disk, Repair Kits, Feed Pump and more.

81. China Automobile Parts Fair
Stoisko nr: D13204
Data: od 21 do 23 kwietnia 2017 r
Lokalizacja: Międzynarodowe centrum kongresowo-wystawiennicze w Nanning (NICEC)
Adres internetowy: http://
Tel: 86-

Tube Sheet

Tube sheet are usually made of a round flat plate with holes drilled into the plate to accommodate tubes in the exact location and pattern relative to each other. The tube sheet is used to support and isolate the tubes in the Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger.

A tube sheet is a plate used to support a tube in a shell and tube heat exchanger. The tubes are aligned in a parallel manner and are supported and held in place by the tube plate. A tube sheet is a round plate with holes in it so that the tube can fit through the opening. Tubes are usually made of round, flat metal sheets. Drill holes for pipe ends in precise locations and patterns relative to each other. The tube plate is made of the same range of materials as the pipe.

These are usually made of mild steel and vary in thickness according to fluid pressure. Depending on the final application (petrochemical, nuclear, oil and gas, etc.), the tubes can be clad in stainless steel or other superalloys, or even made entirely of stainless steel or superalloys.

Tube Sheet,Boiler Tube Sheet,Floating Tubesheet,Exchanger Tube Sheet

Guangdong Jiema Energy Saving Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.heatexchangerjiema.com