How to calculate the slurry concentration
There are two ways to express the slurry concentration: percent concentration and liquid to solid ratio. Percent concentration: is the percentage of the ore (solid) content in the slurry by weight, expressed by the symbol P. P=[weight of ore/weight of pulp (ore + water)] × 100% Liquid-solid ratio: It is expressed as the ratio of the weight of the liquid in the slurry to the weight of the ore, and is represented by the symbol R. For example, in four kilograms of pulp, the weight of water (liquid) is three kilograms, and the weight of ore is one kilogram. The liquid-solid ratio of the slurry is R=3:1. It is converted into a percentage concentration of 25%. The percentage concentration P and the liquid-solid ratio R can be calculated by the following formula: R=(100-P)/P The current determination methods of pulp concentration are: manual measurement and automatic control measurement. Measurement time: Hand tools for measuring the concentration of the pot, non-ferrous metal half-hour or an hour once; metal-black once an hour or two hours. HX35W TURBO,H1C,H1E TURBOCHARGER,cummins truck Fengcheng Fire Turbocharger Manufacturing Co; Ltd. ,