The company's 2016 results were honored, and the final HK$123.873 million convertible bonds were issued.
September 01 21:00:23, 2024
壹 Lighting announced that if the company announced on May 13, 2015, the company's wholly-owned subsidiary intends to acquire the entire share capital of Top Investor Global Limited for HK$35.725 million. The consideration was paid by the wholesale bank convertible bonds, of which 30%, or HK$10,17,500,000 was paid after the completion of the acquisition; the remaining 70%, or HK$25.507 million, required the Target Group to reach a profit guarantee and then divide it into 2 wholesale banks. On 26 February 2016, the Company has issued a convertible bond with a total principal amount of HK$12,622,000 after the Target Group's 2015 results have been determined. The Board of Directors announced that the Target Group's net profit for 2016 was approximately HK$1.827 million, which was in line with the promise of the agreement. Therefore, the company has issued a convertible bond with a principal amount of HK$12,387,300 to the seller on March 2, 2017.