Transfer of waste power, Dongfeng Duolika compressed garbage truck evaluation (chassis)

底盘的性能决定了专用汽车在使用过程中的实力,随着国家排放标准的不断升级,东风多利卡D7正宗国五底盘的推出也做了相应改变。只有通过不断的改变来完善自己,才能在专用汽车这个大市场占有一席之地。东风多利卡压缩垃圾车底盘做工方面更注重精、细、美,动力方面有所升级。 东风多利卡底盘配色选用了轻卡中比较常见的配色——羊脂白,颜色靓丽清新、大方自然。蜂窝状进气格栅显得特别秀气,六边形进气孔可以保持驾驶室底部良好的散热性能。驾驶室左右两边导流槽专门用来导流空气,车辆在行驶过程中受空气阻力减小降低燃油使用率,而且还可以起到降燥作用。“dfac”由之前的平面效果改成现在的三维立体式,使整车更加美观。前大灯直接安装在保险杠上面,没有占用很多空间,设计特别低调。 组合式后视镜外摆设计,加宽司机的驾驶视野,保证司机的行车安全。东风多利卡压缩垃圾车采用朝柴发动机,发动机型号:CY4SK251,156马力。配6A120的变速箱,2.2吨的前后桥,带离合器助力、断气刹、ABS。 安装在驾驶尾部的空气滤清器,主要对发动机起到保护作用。空气滤清器过滤发动机里面的灰尘,可以有效避免发动机各个小孔堵塞和零部件的磨损。 防冻液一年四季都会使用到,冬季防冻液可以防止冷却液结冰而胀裂散热器和冻坏发动机气缸体或盖,夏季防冻液可以防止汽车长时间行驶而开锅。 油水分离器安装在油厢旁边,油液里面含有杂质和水分,必须经过油水分离器过滤掉里面的水份才能把柴油提供给发动机。此款油水分离器质量好,过滤油品干净。 黑色封釉超大容量油厢,油厢一次成形不易漏油,能给汽车提供源源不断的动力。 铝合金制成的排气烟筒,遇到水蒸气不易生锈,使用寿命长。排气烟筒尾部装有电脑控制板,可以控制排出来的尾气更干净。 配7.50的公路花纹尼龙胎,虽然比不上钢丝胎,但对于运输要求不是很高的东风多利卡压缩垃圾车来说配龙尼胎更实用。 带翻转功能方便驾驶室下面的发动机、零部件的保养和维修。 总结:改变只会更好,东风的底盘一直以过硬的品质赢得市场,东风多利卡D7底盘更受客户关注。东风多利卡压缩式垃圾车承载能力强,铆接超宽大梁,采用加厚式弹簧钢板,适合跑各种路面。

The performance of the chassis determines the strength of the special-purpose vehicles in the process of use. With the continuous upgrading of national emission standards, the introduction of the Dongfeng Duolika D7 Authentic State V chassis has also changed accordingly. Only through continuous changes to improve themselves can we occupy a place in the big market of special vehicles. Dongfeng Doolika compressed garbage truck chassis work more emphasis on fine, fine, beautiful, power has been upgraded.


Dongfeng Doolika Chassis color selection used a lighter card in the more common color - white sheep, fresh and beautiful color, generous natural. The honeycomb intake grille is particularly delicate, and the hexagonal intake holes keep the bottom of the cab cool. The guide troughs on the left and right sides of the cab are designed to divert air, and the vehicle is reduced in air resistance during the driving process to reduce the fuel usage rate, and it can also play a role in reducing air dryness. The "dfac" has changed from the previous planar effect to the current three-dimensional one, making the vehicle more beautiful. The headlights are mounted directly on the bumper and do not take up much space. The design is particularly low-key.


The combination of rearview mirror design, widen the driver's driving vision, to ensure the driver's driving safety. The Dongfeng Doolika Compression Garbage Truck uses Zaochai Engine, engine type: CY4SK251, 156 horsepower. With 6A120 gearbox, 2.2 tons of front and rear axle, with clutch booster, air brake, ABS.


The air filter installed at the rear of the drive mainly protects the engine. The air filter filters the dust inside the engine, which can effectively avoid clogging of the engine holes and wear of parts.


Antifreeze is used throughout the year. Winter antifreeze prevents the coolant from freezing and cracks the radiator and freezes the engine block or cover. Antifreeze in the summer prevents the car from driving for a long time.


The oil-water separator is installed next to the oil chamber. The oil contains impurities and moisture. The oil must be filtered out of the oil-water separator to supply the diesel to the engine. This oil-water separator is of good quality and the filter oil is clean.


Black sealed glazed large-capacity oil compartment, once formed in the oil compartment, is not easy to leak oil, and can provide a continuous supply of power to the car.


Exhaust pipes made of aluminum alloy have a long service life when they encounter water vapor and do not rust. The tail of the exhaust fume hood is equipped with a computer control board, which can control the exhaust from the exhaust cleaner.


With 7.50 highway pattern nylon tires, although not as good as wire tires, but for the transport requirements are not very high Dongfeng Duolika compression garbage truck with Longni more practical.


The rollover function facilitates the maintenance and repair of the engine and components under the cab.

Conclusion: The change will only be better. Dongfeng's chassis has always won the market with excellent quality. Dongfeng Dolika's D7 chassis has attracted more attention from customers. Dongfeng Duolika compression garbage truck has strong carrying capacity and is riveted with extra wide beams. It adopts thickened spring steel plate and is suitable for running various road surfaces.

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