Using 3D Printing to Repair Damaged Cartilage Trachea

According to a research group at the Feinstein Institute of Medicine, a 3D printing technology was developed to repair cartilage and tracheal injuries. They used an off-the-shelf 3D printer to create a PLA filament that was the same as the scaffold's cartilage. Afterwards, they were covered with scaffolding chondrocytes (healthy chondrocytes) and collagen, placed on a custom bioreactor to ensure normal cell growth. Believe it or not, scientists have not found new ways to complete this project.
This new method is just a concept. Researchers estimate that it may take five years to help the study. If it is feasible, it can not only repair the trachea, but also repair other body parts. Instead of relying on conventional reconstruction methods for slow or expensive bioprinters, you can replace them within hours using relatively inexpensive hardware. In turn, this will reduce medical costs and allow patients to resume their lives earlier.

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