Scientists find new energy from stones
Scientists at the University of Lyon discovered a new way to separate hydrogen from water using stones. This method is equivalent to finding a new green energy source that can provide abundant hydrogen from a simple mixture of rock and water. Protective or Cushioning Material eps packing Protective Or Cushioning Material Eps Packing,Eps Flexible Packaging,Eps Food Packaging,Eps Packing Kit Taizhou Tianma Plastic Products Co. LTD ,
It speeds up the chemical reaction of the geology in nature, in which the mineral olivine removes an oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom from an H2O molecule to form a so-called serpentine mineral, releasing a spare hydrogen atom. The study was published this week at the American Geophysical Union conference in San Francisco and has been published in the American Journal of Mineralogists.
Researchers heated olivine minerals hundreds of degrees Celsius in water and added a little ruby ​​(aluminum oxide combination) to provide a source of aluminum atoms. The entire mixture was placed in a two microdiaper made of diamonds and the mixture was pressed at a pressure of 2000 atmospheres.
Transparent diamonds allow scientists to see the reaction happen. When this process occurs, despite the slow pace, the ocean floor rocks around the world can be considered as hydrogen generated or react with carbon to generate methane sources, or microorganisms living deep below the earth's surface can be maintained by the living rock. Peridot is a common green mineral, and sculptors often sculpt it into serpentine, which is also often used as a decorative decorative stone building.