"Technology" inventory of household wire wiring is the most easy to leave decoration regret

Circuit transformation is one of the important concealed projects. During the construction, the circuit transformation process is more complicated, and it is easy to have some safety hazards. Therefore, the circuit reconstruction construction process must be carried out in strict accordance with the specifications. Many friends did not take into account the actual needs after the renovation, and often the installation of the wire socket was taken lightly. I regretted it when I arrived. Therefore, the decoration should be considered clearly, so as not to let the wire socket leave the decoration regret.

Circuit modification, if improperly constructed, it is easy to have problems such as leakage and short circuit. It is not only difficult to handle, but also may cause electric shock, fire and other accidents, which poses a great threat to human life and family property. Therefore, we must pay attention to the requirements of circuit reconstruction construction. The more hidden the small details, the less we can take it lightly, and consider it when decorating, so as not to let the wire socket leave the decoration regret.

Part1: Circuit and Switch Socket Arrangement Planning

Living room bedroom wiring and switch socket layout planning

Renovation of the living room circuit: The wiring lines that need to be installed in the living room include power lines, lighting lines, air conditioning lines, TV lines, telephone lines, computer lines, doorbell lines, and the like. The position of the wire needs to be considered in advance, and the reserved work is reserved. Generally speaking, the telephone line is reserved at the edge of the sofa, the doorbell line is reserved inside the door, and the water dispenser, humidifier and other equipment are reserved. In general, at least 5 power cords should be left in the living room. Air conditioners, DVD players, etc., which are in the standby state, are preferably equipped with a switch socket panel, so that they are turned off directly when not in use, and no power is wasted.

Bedroom circuit transformation: Bedroom circuit transformation generally includes power lines, lighting lines, air conditioning lines, telephone lines and computer lines. The power cord is reserved above the bedside table, and the 5-hole patch panel is suitable for switching, which can reduce the trouble of the bedside lamp not switching. The power supply wiring port (hair dryer) should be reserved above the dressing table; in addition, there should be a reflector lamp above the vanity mirror, and a switch should be installed next to the wire box; the bedroom lamp is preferably equipped with a double control switch, one is installed outside the bedroom door, and the other is installed on the outside of the bedroom door. A switch is installed on the upper side of the bedside table or on the side of the bed to make it easier to operate, so that when you sleep at night, you don't have to get up and go to the bedroom door.

The living room and bedroom are the main activities for people to concentrate. There are many household appliances. The design should be arranged according to the layout of the building decoration, and each main wall should have a power socket.

1, the number of sockets is estimated

When considering the sockets in the living room and bedroom, ensure that each main wall has a 5-hole socket to meet the needs of daily life. The location of the socket should be determined according to the design of the house. For example, the socket of the TV background wall may be more appropriate, and other locations may be determined as needed.

2, socket spacing arrangement

If the wall length exceeds 3.6m, the number of sockets should be increased as appropriate. The wall length is less than 3.6m, and the socket can be placed in the middle of the wall. Set the wall of the TV outlet socket (this wall is where the electrical installation is concentrated). At least two 5-hole sockets should be provided. One of the sockets should be close to the TV outlet socket and kept at a distance of more than 0.5m.

3, the specifications of the socket installation

Because air conditioners consume more power, if you use a unified socket with other appliances, it is easier to use the system. Therefore, you must use a socket separately, and the air conditioner socket must use a socket with a switch to ensure safety.

4, the installation location of the socket

It is known that the air conditioner socket is arranged in the following position: the socket without special requirements is generally 0.3m from the ground, and the split air conditioner socket should be 1.8m away from the ground according to the outlet pipe. If it is a window air conditioner, Set at a distance of 1.4m from the window, if the cabinet air conditioner should be set at a distance of 0.3m from the corresponding position, otherwise consider the reserved air conditioner socket according to the split air conditioner.

Kitchen wire wiring and switch socket layout planning

Kitchen circuit transformation: There are many electrical appliances used in the kitchen, so when making circuit transformation, you must think about what electrical appliances are in the kitchen. Where is the specific location? If you want to reserve the wire interface, the kitchen should be arranged according to the decoration of the building. Set up multiple power outlets in different locations and heights to meet the needs of a variety of electric cooker equipment such as range hoods, disinfection cabinets, microwave ovens, rice cookers, electric water heaters, and refrigerators. This will not leave the decoration regret.

Kitchen space outlet planning

1. Socket installation points The kitchen socket should be a splash-proof socket, plus more appliances used in the kitchen, microwave oven, refrigerator, range hood, etc. Therefore, the kitchen socket should be composed of a separate circuit and cannot be mixed with other sockets.

2, the installation height of the socket

Refer to the kitchen console, stove, storage, and sink layout to select the best location to set the range hood socket and electric socket. The range hood of the range hood is set at 2.0m from the ground, and the electric socket is 1.4m away from the ground or according to the specific position of the console and the cabinet. The height of the refrigerator socket is generally set to 0.3m from the ground.

3, socket installation precautions

The electric heating socket should be equipped with a single-phase three-wire socket with switch 16A. If the electric heater has a fixed position, care should be taken not to be placed directly above the electric heating appliance to avoid the human arm moving over the electric heating device operation switch. If the rated current of a certain electric heating appliance exceeds 15A, the corresponding electric heating socket should be radiated and directly connected to the independent power supply by the household distribution box.

Bathroom wire wiring and switch socket layout planning

The circuit transformation of the bathroom only needs to reserve the line of the overall lighting fixture, which is relatively simple. In addition, the bathroom is a place with a lot of water vapor. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to install a power outlet in the damp place in the bathroom, such as a shower area or a bath. The power sockets in other areas should be splash-proof.

1, the installation position of the socket

When there is an external window, the exhaust fan junction box or socket should be reserved beside the outer window. Since the exhaust air duct is generally in the shower area or near the bathtub, the junction box or socket should be installed 2.25m above the ground. Reserve an electric water heater socket and a power socket for the body cleaner 0.6m away from the shower area or outside the bath. Install a power socket for beauty and shaving next to the washstand mirror and install it from 1.5m to 1.6m above the ground.

2, socket installation precautions

The socket installed in the bathroom should be equipped with a switch and indicator light. If it is installed in a wet position, it is best to install a waterproof cover on the surface of the socket to prevent moisture from entering the socket and causing a short circuit.

3, additional socket

Depending on the size of the dwelling or at the request of the owner, a beard knife socket and an electric toothbrush or socket with an isolating transformer can be placed near the sink.

Part2: Counting wire wiring is the most easy to leave decoration regret

Strong and weak wires are not separated and renovated regret index: ★★★★☆

The owner spit out: "When installing the circuit, the workers said that the wires were installed separately to increase the cost, and the separation is not too much impact. Who knows that TV and telephone signals are often interfered with. This is really a big decoration regret!"

Truth: Strong electricity refers to TV lines, computer lines, air conditioning lines, etc.; weak electricity refers to telephone lines, network lines, audio lines, video lines, and so on. During installation, strong and weak electricity should never be worn in the same pipe. It should be installed separately and ensure that the distance between strong and weak electricity is at least 20 cm. Otherwise, mutual interference will occur, which will affect heat dissipation. Can be avoided.

Wire casing does not distinguish decoration regret index: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

The owner spit: "When the friend installed the circuit, I saw that the worker used two kinds of pipes to wear the wires. One is a hard PVC pipe, the other is a hose. It is said that the load-bearing wall and the beam cannot be grooved. But when I renovated my house, I used PVC pipes. I only know that my home has such a decoration regret."

Truth: Wire bushings are mainly about the insulation, moisture, corrosion and smoothness of the wires. One of the most common, safest and most feasible line pipes is the PVC pipe. However, PVC pipes cannot be used for positions such as load-bearing walls and beams that cannot be grooved. The use of hoses will not affect the structure of the load-bearing walls and beams.

Wire does not color separation maintenance troubles decoration regret index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

The owner spit out: "The socket of the bedroom needs to be replaced. The master removes the socket and finds that the three wires of the socket are the same color. The master said that the color of the wire is the same. There is no color separation installation, and it cannot be replaced immediately. The line must be removed along the way to detect the type of wire. It took so long to find the decoration regret!"

Truth: The color separation of the wires is usually red for the live line, blue for the neutral line, and yellow-green for the ground line. If you do not separate the wires, it is easy to install them when you switch them later. Especially the socket, if you don't divide the color, you can't figure out which one is the zero line and the root line when you install it later. If it is wrong, it will trip.

Power outlet is not enough to use the decoration regret index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The owner spit: "The decoration is always indispensable for decoration! My socket is basically the kind of two-hole and three-hole socket connected to one panel, but many kitchen appliances are three-pin plugs, sometimes you can not use the induction cooker at the same time with the rice cooker. It is impossible to use an electric kettle at the same time with a microwave oven. It is very troublesome to cook a meal!"

Truth: Most of the homes are connected to the second and third level sockets, but in fact this installation is not reasonable. Kitchen appliances such as rice cookers, microwave ovens, electric kettles, range hoods, etc. are usually three-legged plugs. If a joint socket is installed, the three-pin socket in the kitchen will not be enough. Therefore, carefully consider the specific conditions of each room electrical appliance when installing the socket.

Bathroom socket unobstructed decoration regret index: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

The owner spit: "I have never paid attention to the waterproofing of the bathroom socket. It will be a decoration regret. The bathroom is still a normal socket. If the socket is splashed by water when it is bathed, it will cause trouble. It is terrible to think of it."

Truth: Because the humidity in the bathroom is large, you must pay attention to moisture and waterproof when installing the socket, otherwise it will leave a big safety hazard. The socket installed in the bathroom must be equipped with a splash-proof cover. If a normal socket has been installed, a splash-proof cover is placed on the outside of the socket to prevent the socket from leaking water.

Switch socket is occluded decoration regret index: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

The owner spit: "The original socket may also become a regrettable decoration, everyone! The switch of my living room lighting is installed behind the door. Every time I go home, I have to close the door to turn on the light. It is easy to be stumped at night. ""

Truthful words: This kind of decoration is also more common, not the door handle switch, the socket is "hidden" behind the furniture, which not only increases the trouble of use, but also has certain security risks. Generally speaking, if the door is opened to the left, the entrance switch should be installed on the right side to ensure that the light can be easily turned on as soon as the door is accessed. The socket switch is blocked by furniture, mainly because the furniture is too high or too wide, and eventually the owner has to use the patch panel to solve the problem.

Part3: How much does the electrician know?

Line shifting transformation of the pre-determined terminal socket: When performing various line shifting transformations, the position of the line terminal socket should be determined first, and the exact position and size should be marked on the wall surface, and then lead to the nearest similar socket.

Circuit reconstruction project: the groove depth should be consistent, and the groove line should be straight. After the control line is ejected on the wall, the wall surface is cut with a marble machine and the groove is manually grooved. The wire casing must be added when the line is installed, and the casing connection should be tight and smooth.

Copper wire should be used: it can be too thin. It is recommended that the wire diameter of the air conditioner be 4 square millimeter wire; the socket be 2.5 square millimeter wire; the general lighting fixture should be 1.5 square millimeter wire. When wiring the wires, in addition to passing through the hollow floor, the pipe must be worn.

Concealed application of concealed pipe wiring: When laying, it should be changed according to the number of wires worn in the pipe. In the same pipe, it should not exceed four. It is forbidden to fill the inner space of the pipe. Air conditioning, lighting, and sockets should be controlled by shunts, usually at least four.

The wire telephone line distance is greater than 50cm: the junction box should be installed at all switches, sockets and lamp positions. In addition, if the pipeline is too long or there are too many turns, a junction box should be provided at a certain distance.

PVC pipe application pipe clamp fixing: PVC pipe application pipe clamp fixing. PVC pipe joints are equipped with matching joints, glued with PVC glue, and the elbows are bent by springs. The cassette and the PVC tube are fixed by splicing.

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